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Bulk Scale

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The automatic bulk scale is designed for high flow weighing of dry commodities with good flowability such as cereals and fertilizers. With a range width from 200 to 4 000 m3/h, the 1280 or 920i controller are particularly suitable for the loading-unloading station in grain elevators to manage the ship/train/truck in-bound and out-band. All exist for both Safe and Explosive area, with certified components and specific national approvals. Due to its very high capacity, 1280 and 920i are mainly used for Trade Use applications so all the range can be installed under NTEP or OIML certification (0,2 Class) As loading-unloading high capacity vessels take time, many things can happen during this critical phase. Because any accuracy drop will generate huge costs (product loss or penalties), we developed a specific redundancy device which executes two separate weighings of your batches and compares them as often as you want, without any stop of the work. ” The hopper scale is particularly appropriate for use on food plants and with storage and port silos. The hopper scale is designed for process weighing of dry granulous products, which flow well, such as cereals. Together with the 1280 or 920i  instrumentation system, the hopper scale acts as a discontinuous totalizer with non-constant batch weighing. Its simple and yet solid design makes for easy installation and maintenance. The hopper scale comprises two main parts: A feed section which must be fitted under the product feed upper bin. This section is equipped with one, two or three feed gates depending on the model.